Come alongside as Liz Curtis Higgs, with her unique writing style, delves into the story of a queen that we know little about, Queen of Sheba. Her biblical story is found in 1 Kings 1 and ends with verse 13. Only 12 verses but packed with a lot of insight on this queen. The Queen of Sheba travels to Jerusalem to test the mind and heart of King Solomon but she came away from that meeting with much more than she envisioned when she started her journey.
There are 10 chapters that will enlighten you with humor and truths. Each chapter starts with a personal fictional narrative from the Queen of Sheba then the author enhances each verse in that particular chapter with lots of commentary. The chapters deal with boldness, openness, seeking wise counsel, honesty, encouragement, praising God, giving, receiving graciously, and ending well. Sheba not only left Jerusalem but her former way of life, her old gods, her old beliefs so she could put on the new self. She left he old life-full of disbelief, distrust, disobedience and embraced a new life that honors God. He journey was orchestrated by the Holy Spirit. Sheba didn't travel to Jerusalem to be changed, but she was. You will be changed after reading her story and it may challenge you as it did me in many areas.
Not only do we learn about the Queen of Sheba through story form and insights but there are lots of notes and references along with discussion questions and chapter by chapter study guides perfect for bible study.
Thanks to Waterbrook, Blogging for Books, for this free copy just for my honest opinion.