I received this book from Booksneeze for review. I was so excited to read this since I looked at this book at our local Christian book store. This book by Larry Crabb is absolutely superb and so unique. Each book of the bible is a letter from God to you and what He wants you to know from that chapter. Each chapter also has a subtitle to explain what that chapter may deal with. For example, love letter from Exodus-You must know me to trust me. Larry Crabb always asks- God what do you want me to hear, know or get from as I read this chapter? That is something that has changed me-I need to ask that as I read God's love story to me. This book has become one of my daily devotionals as I read a chapter a day. He suggests you read each chapter as a weekly devotional but I find it so interesting I want to finish it sooner. Each chapter of this book is only 2-3 pages so that makes it short but very interesting reading. This book invites you into His story and helps change the way you look at the bible.
This book enables you to hear God speak. You can know who He is and what He is up to and where He's going. Now you can join Him in the story He is telling.
Please read Larry's prologue on how this book came into being-it all began in 2006 and took this long to put it together.
This is one book that will be a favorite to buy and give away-it's that good!!!
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