When you find your favorite authors and their new book comes out, you just know it will be good. Dani writes some of the absolute best romantic suspense stories that are printed.
He glances around what had become a dumping ground by the river's edge. Dark, silent...deserted. Perfect.
Popping the trunk of his car, he hefted the heavy garment bag out and trudged through the mud, the foul odor of rotting garbage and brackish water pungent on the wind lashing his face. A thunderstorm was brewing, churning the humid air. Lightening pierced the murky sky.
He found a fitting spot and tossed her away like the trash she was.
What a prologue that entices you to find out who, what, when where and why. That i where Avery Tate comes in. She had been a photographer that was blacklisted by a controversial shot. When she answers am ad for a crime scene photographer but was hired to her surprise. She also became smitten over Parker Mitchell who hired her so she left the business. When she attends a photography exhibit that her friend modeled for, she is surprised to see her picture, but the picture looks like she is posing and also dead. Now for Avery to find her friend and enlists Parker for help in finding her. Where do they start and who can they trust in the photography business?
As I stated in the beginning, Dani Pettrey is a superb writer that hooks you in with believable characters and their struggles in life along with plots that keep you guessing as who the culprit is and how will it all end.
The only sad thing is, I have to wait till October for book 3!
Thanks to Bethany House Publishers for a free copy of this book just for my honest opinion.
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