Now that I don't work at a Christian book store with lots of books at my disposal, the public library has become my "my new best friend". It's fun to request books and not have to pay for them. My bookcases are full and this "feeds" my love of reading.
I had three books come in at the same time so it has been fast and furious reading. All three have been superb.
Fat Chance by Julie Hadden
I am a lover of The Biggest Loser tv show- and have been for a long time. Julie was on season 4 of TBL show. It was an interesting read-especially the behind the scenes of the show and the trainers.
The book chronicles her journey-from childhood to making it on the show and where she lost nearly half her body weight and saw her life forever changed. This book is so inspiring and she gives God the credit for everything which is how it should be. Great book for anyone who has struggled with weight-and who hasn't. Great quote from Julie-"When I began to catch a glimpse of the Julie that God saw, a Julie who was far different from the one staring back at me in my mirror-it was then that I started living the life I was created to live." If you enjoy the show you will really enjoy this book.
I normally do not read non Christian books but I saw this was a bestseller and it sounded really interesting and it was eye opening!!!!. This book went behind the scenes with agents in the line of fire and the presidents they protect. He goes into a lot of detail about past presidents that will shock and dishearten you about the men we elect to lead this great country. I guessed which presidents were mean and ugly even to the agents protecting them and which presidents passed the "nice" and a joy to be around and protect. This book will open your eyes to how the government-president, vice president, Cabinet officers and their families are really like-it is not a pretty sight.
I will be honest-I voted for the McCain/Palin team so this book was one I wanted to read. It was an adventure to read and very enjoyable. I find her to be a remarkable woman and this book just enforced that opinion. She prides herself as being a main street American woman: a working mom, wife of a blue-collar union man and the mother of five children with the last being a special needs child. She starts out as a child growing up in Alaska, getting married and then venturing into local politics-then state-then the national scene. What I enjoyed the most was her importance of faith and family. She was very candid about the 2008 presidential race and national politics. She brings a fresh vision of a way forward for America and her unfailing hope in the greatest nation on earth. It is going to be fun to see what God has in store for her and our country next. Big book but definately worth the time to read.
-- Grace Elizabeth --

Monday, January 25, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
How to REach Your Full Potential for God

I am reviewing this book from Thomas Nelson booksneeze program.
This book by Dr. Charles Stanley is truly a great book of interesting new ideas-many I had never thought of. I almost did not get this book because a lot of books have this concept and I was afraid this would be a cookie cutter. I enjoy Dr. Stanley's writings and I was not disappointed with this book. He has a way of inspiring you to take a look at what God is trying to accomplish in your life.
What really hit home was "are you living a settled-for life"? How often we are not pursuing our potential and even factoring God in our decision making or goal setting.
This book enables the reader to discover talents that God has placed in each of us. He show us seven hurdles that hampers our walk with God--1-limited perspective,2-feelings of low value.3-constant comparisons, 4-self imposed limitations,5-fear of disappointment,6-fear of failure.7-laziness. Healso tackles topicsthat deal with our mind, body, heart, gifts,relationships, schedules and taking God approved risks. So much interesting information in this book, take it slow and enjoy how God is challenging you to pursue Him in a new and passionate way.
My favorite take away was: Ever asked the Lord-what do you want me to be?-ask now. What do you want do do in my life? I pray this will be my goal for 2010.
Monday, January 4, 2010
5 Dollar Dinners by Erin Chase
I am trying to win this book from the author's blog and by posting this I get 2 entries. This is a really great website and she really does dinners for only $5.00 each day. That is why I want this cookbook
Promise Born by Cara Putman
I had the privilege of receiving this from the author and was super excited to get to read her second book in the Promise series. This was very interesting and I devoured it in 2 days-which is good for me. The storyline deals in the midst of WWII and the Navy WAVES. The main character, Evelyn, leaves Washington for Dayton Ohio to work on a top-secret project which helps her leave an unhappy past in Washington behind. Evelyn being a Purdue engineering graduate is just what the project needs to fix the problem. Loved that part since I live in Purdue country and so does Cara. She brought in a love interest, a spy, spiritual conversion and growth and an interesting ending that leaves me wanting to know more. I was especially happy to know she filled in some blanks about the characters in A Promise Kept.
Another great read by my favorite local author.
Another great read by my favorite local author.