In the beginning his street name was Daylight. But he was a nightmare.
In the end I'm still Daylight. The difference is, my ultimate goal will never again be to become a street god.
I know now that I'm not the one who should rule. I've given all of myself-the good qualities and the bad, the victories and mistakes--to the real God, and in his grace he's taking it all and using it for his goals, not mine. It's his job to shine the daylight through me. Those word came from Dimas Salaberrios at the end of his story, and what a story it was.What intrigued me about this book was how a kid at 11 begins to sell drugs, then at 16 finds himself in Rikers Island prison. He was so focused on being rich and a powerful ruler in the hood...or die trying. You follow Dimas as he rises through the drug world, goes to prison, sells drugs again and again in different places along with putting himself and others in a lot of danger. As you follow Dimas through the years and the dangerous journey he is on, you see just how God is in the background waiting for the right moment to show himself to Dimas. Here begins the rest of the story.
This was a book I picked to review because it was like no other I have ever read. I was intrigued by what a "Street God" was. What I found, knowing very little, about the drug culture was eye opening, to say the least. I was hooked when I got past just how common this is in our culture. I wanted to know how and why these people did this especially since most times the deals can end in death. It was also fascinating to see how low Dimas would stoop to sell the drugs and even take them himself. All the while God was waiting to save his life and offer him the chance to go back to the streets to proclaim the name of Jesus. This was the last paragraph of the book which I loved. "Dare to offer him all of yourself-even those parts that cause you deep pain or regret. Then just watch what he will do through you. Watch the break of daylight shine.
What a book, what a story. We see how God works behind the scenes of Dimas's life and reminds us of how God works behind the scenes of our lives. Please pick up a copy to read..you will not be sorry.
Thanks to Tyndale Publishers for this free copy just for my honest review.